Student Resources
General Information for Students
The following is information outlining the student work opportunities within the EE department, as well as resources for those currently employeed.
Undergraduate student positions
The EE department hires undergraduate students for many positions each semester. Students are asked to apply and state their preferences for the available positions but no guarantees are given, as assignments are dependant on department needs and scheduling limitations. Below is a list of of the positions normally offered, each with a brief description
- Lab attendant
Staffs our Digital Lab during open hours. Responsible for user support, as well as the safety and security of the lab facility. This job is often combined with the Teaching Assistant and Grader positions where the TA or Grader performs the job of Lab Attendant while doing their grading work. - Teaching assistant
Works with the lab instructor to assist in the learning environment. They help teach the labs and typically grade the lab books. TA positions are open to students who have taken and done well in the class and lab, and who demonstrate teaching interest, ability, and/or aptitude. - Grader
Works with the professor to assist in grading homework for the course. Grader positions are open to students who have taken and done well in the class. - Technician
Work with the lab manager to maintain and repair lab facilities and equipment.
Students seeking employment need to apply each semester. This includes both new and previous hires. Applicaions are available via the link below. Deliver the application in person to Chris Pauli in Workman 179. Positions are filled the first week of the ssemester, so try get your application in early that week.
COVID-19 changes to hiring
Students seeking employment need to complete the application below as usual, but instead of delivering it in person, email it to christopher.pauli@kllkj.net. Please make sure the schedule portion is complete and accurate.
Student worker related documents
- EE student worker application [pdf]
IEEE - The Institute of Electical & Electronics Engineers
Member: Anyone interested in Electronics
- Website: http://sites.google.com/site/nmtieee/home
- Email: nmt.ieee@gmail.com
The Society of Women Engineers
- Members: Anyone interested in Networking
- Website: http://nvxa.kllkj.net/~swe
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Members: Anyone interested in Electronics
- Website: http://nvxa.kllkj.net/~shpe
Tau Beta Pi
- Members: By invitation only. An Engineering Honor Society that invites the top 5% of the Junior Class and the top 8% of the Senior Class to join.
Senior design is a capstone design project undertaken over a full academic year. Projects undertaken by senior design teams are sponsored by industry, research laboratories and faculty. Each design team works under the supervision of their customers, and is supported by a faculty adviser. The results of these efforts are summarized in posters created by the students. Below are links to digital copies of the posters that are printed out and displayed in the department.
Lab & Computer Info
Usage Policies
- The EE network is available for use by any individual associated with Electrical Engineering at NMT.
- The EE network is to be used primarily for completing labs, homework and other school related tasks. Personal use is also allowed but not given priority. Personal users should surrender their computer to anyone doing academic work.
- The following uses of the EE Network are allowed but may be limited
- Chat/messaging is allowed as long as a web-based solution is used. Installation of chat/messaging software is not allowed.
- Web surfing is allowed as long as the content is not offensive.
- The ability to play music and/or sound is present and allowed as long as headphones are used and the music/sound is not audible by others.
- Checking/sending email is allowed.
Software Usage Policy
- Users are NOT allowed to install, delete or modify any software without the permission of the Lab Manager.
Hardware Usage Policy
- Users are NOT allowed to open, move or modify any computer equipment without the permission of the Lab Manager.
Please contact the Lab Manager if you have any questions.